Short Biography
I am
an Associate Professor of Cyber Security and Networking in the College of
Science and Engineering at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. Prior to
this, I have been a faculty member with Macquarie University, Federation
University, and Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, USA. My research is centred around Cyber and Cyber-Physical Systems
Security, and on these topics, I published over 100 papers, which appeared
in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and books. I completed
my PhD in Applied Cryptography at Griffith University and received a
prestigious IEEE Australian council award for my PhD research paper
published in the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
served as the Regional Chair of the IEEE Technology and
Engineering Management Society’s Membership Development and Activitiesfor Australia, as the Secretary of the IEEE NSW Joint Chapter on Consumer
Technology, Broadcast Technology, and Product Safety Engineering, as the
Chairman of the Computational Intelligence Society in the IEEE Victoria
Section, and also as the Chairman of Professional and Career Activities for
the IEEE Queensland Section. I was the founder and councillor of the IEEE
Student Branch at Federation University Australia and
also contributed to the foundation of the IEEE Northern Territory
Subsection. I have served as the guest associate editor of IEEE journals
and transactions, including the IEEE IoT Journal, IEEE Sensors Journal,
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications. He has served as a program co-Chair,
a track Chair, a session Chair, and a Technical Program Committee member,
for major conferences, including IEEE TrustCom
and IEEE ICCCN. I am a Senior Member of the IEEE and a Distinguished
Speaker of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) on the topic of
Cyber-Physical Systems Security.
have research collaborations with peers from academia and industry on the
topics of Smart Grid Security, Intelligent Transportation Systems Security,
Privacy-Preserving Edge Computing, Trustworthy Machine Learning, and the
Usable Security for Mixed Realities.

Prospective graduate students: I am looking for
highly motivated graduate students (both PhD and Masters) with a strong
mathematical background. If you are interested in the area of my research,
please contact me along with your CV.