Journal Editor/Guest Editor

1.      IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Special Issue on Context Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles, 2021-2022 (call for paper)


2.      IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Special Issue on Deep Learning Models for Safe and Secure Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019-2021 (call for paper)


3.      IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, Special Issue on Computational Intelligence for Human-in-the-Loop Cyber Physical Systems, 2019-2020 (call for paper)


4.      IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Special Issue on Security, Reliability, Privacy, and Quality in Industrial Automation and Control, 2019-2020 (call for paper)


5.      IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Special Issue on Privacy and Security in Distributed Edge Computing and Evolving IoT, 2019-2020 (call for paper)


6.      IEEE Sensors Journal, Special Issue on Advanced Sensing and Sensor Fusion for Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020-2021 (call for paper)


7.      EEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, Special Issue on Consumer, Commercial, and Industrial IoT Security and Resilience, 2020-2021 (call for paper)


8.      ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Special Issue on Edge/Fog Computing for Infectious Disease Intelligence, 2021-2022 (call for paper)


9.      Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Special Issue on Real-Time Statistical Image and Video Processing for Remote Sensing Applications, 2019-2021 (call for paper)


10.  Expert Systems, Special Issue on Cognitive Smart Cities: Challenges and Trending Solutions, 2021-2022 (call for paper)


11.  Journal of Systems Architecture, Special Issue on Edge Intelligence Systems for Industrial, Social, and Scientific Applications, 2021-2022 (call for paper)


12.  Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Special Issue on Advanced Computational Intelligence Methods and Ubiquitous Computing Model for Combating Infectious Disease, 2020-2021 (call for paper)


13.  Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Special Issue on Cyber-Physical Mobile Computing, Communications, and Sensing for Industrial Internet of Things, 2021-2022 (call for paper)